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Artist Statement
& Artist Bio

One hundred years ago Heather would have been found forging trails through the uncharted heart of Africa, chronicling its creatures, great and small.  Or, perhaps, writing an autobiography of harrowing adventures in the wildest of places.


Today Heather's love of wildlife, adventure, and the natural world finds her using her field knowledge and artistic talents to create beautiful and authentic wildlife and creature art.  


"As artists, we have the power to create the extraordinary from what may seem like the ordinary.  What better task is there than to combine the science and art that bring creatures real and imagined to life?"


Heather's wildlife and fantasy works have won her several awards, shown at galleries across the country, and claimed clients as prestigious as Land Rover.  Her twenty-plus animal-themed tire covers roam the globe on the spare tires of Land Rover vehicles.


When Heather is not creating she enjoys teaching artists of all skills and ages.  She and her fellow artist Danea Fidler can be found at a number of venues every year include comic conventions, Art leagues, and colleges.  (To see PDF's of class schedules and presentations click the Past Events Button)


"I love both the wildlife and fantasy genres.  It is my sincere hope that my passion for art and for animals will inspire people to create, conserve, explore, and always keep learning about the natural world around us.  In doing so, the creatures of today will not become the myths of tomorrow, preserved only by artists and authors within the pages of books."

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